legal notice


General information about this website is provided below in compliance with the laws governing information society services and e-commerce.

Owner: NTT DATA Spain, S.L.U. (hereinafter, NTT DATA Spain).

Address: Camino Fuente de la Mora, 1, 28050 Madrid.

Contact: Tel: (+34) 91 749 00 00; Fax: (+34) 91 749 00 01


Registration: The company is registered in the Madrid Business Register, volume 14.487, book 0, folio 40, section 8, page M-239649, entry number 1.

TAX ID: B-82387770

1. Conditions of use

These conditions regulate the use of the website, where information regarding the services offered by NTT DATA Spain is available to the public. Please read the information carefully. By accessing this website and using the materials contained herein, you acknowledge that you have read and accept these conditions, without reservation. NTT DATA Spain reserves the right to deny, suspend, interrupt or cancel the access to or use of part or all of this website by users or visitors who do not comply with the conditions of this Legal Notice.

This website contains materials such as articles, studies and project descriptions prepared by NTT DATA Spain for informational purposes only. Please be advised that these materials may be modified, developed or updated by NTT DATA Spain at any time without prior notification.

2. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

© 2024 NTT DATA Spain, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

The entire contents of this website, including but not limited to any text, images, files, photographs, logos, graphics, trademarks, icons, color combinations or any other element; the structure and design of the website; the layout of the materials; the software, links and other audio-visual or audio content, as well as the graphic design and source codes necessary to access, operate and use the website, are protected by industrial and intellectual property rights owned by NTT DATA Spain or third parties. No exploitation rights over them can be understood as being conveyed beyond that which is strictly necessary for the correct use of the website.

In particular, the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public and in general any other form of exploitation, by any means, of any or all of the contents of this website, as well as its design and the selection and layout of the materials included herein is prohibited.

Such exploitation is only allowed with the explicit consent of NTT DATA Spain and provided that reference is made to NTT DATA Spain’ ownership of the aforementioned intellectual and industrial property rights.

Decompiling, disassembling, reverse engineering, sublicensing or transmitting, translating or creating derivative works from the computer programs needed to operate, access and use this website and the services contained herein, and exploiting any or all of such programmes in the manner described in the preceding paragraph is likewise prohibited.

The user of the website must refrain from deleting, altering, circumventing or manipulating any protective devices or security systems that may be installed on the website.

All trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs are owned by NTT DATA Spain or third parties. Accessing the website does not attribute to users any rights over such trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs.

3. Hyperlinks

The hyperlinks or links on this website may lead the user to other websites and web pages managed by third parties, over which NTT DATA Spain has no control whatsoever. NTT DATA Spain is not liable for the contents or the state of such websites or web pages and the fact that they may be accessed from this website does not imply that NTT DATA Spain recommends or approves of their contents.

4. Modifications

NTT DATA Spain reserves the right to unilaterally modify, extend or temporarily suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services of the website at any time and without prior notice in order to make improvements to the site. It also reserves the right to modify these conditions of use and other particular conditions at any time.

5. Exclusion of liability

Those who use this website do so at their own risk. Neither NTT DATA Spain nor its partners, associates, employees or representatives are responsible for any errors or omissions affecting the contents of this website or other content that can be accessed through it. Neither NTT DATA Spain nor its partners, associates, employees or representatives shall be liable for any damages derived from the use of this website or for any action taken on the basis of the information provided herein.

No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is given with regard to the information on this website, which may be changed or updated without prior notice.

NTT DATA Spain does not guarantee the absence of harmful viruses, worms or other computer programmes that could damage or alter the computer systems, electronic documents or files of the users of this website. Consequently, NTT DATA Spain is not liable for damages that such elements could cause to users or third parties. Likewise, we assume no liability for and do not warrant the availability or continuity of access to this website or that it is free of errors. It is the responsibility of the user of the website to ensure that he/she has adequate tools for detecting and deleting harmful computer programmes.

The user is liable for damages of any kind caused to NTT DATA Spain as a result of a breach of any of the obligations assumed in connection with these conditions of use. The user is aware of and voluntarily agrees that he/she is solely and exclusively responsible for the use of this website and its contents.

6. Cookies

Cookies are automatic procedures for collecting information regarding the preferences obtained while a user visits a website. They are used to recognise you as a user, personalise your experience using the website and keep track of the number of users who visit the site. These cookies are stored on your computer's hard drive until they are deleted or expire.

In addition to the cookies needed for the website to work properly and to render the available services, this website may use Google Analytics cookies to obtain information on the number of users who log onto the website, including details about the site the user came from and the number of times the user has logged onto the website in order to facilitate browsing and keep track of the number of users of the website for purely statistical purposes.

However, since these cookies are not required to use the website, you can easily refuse and remove the cookies installed on your computer. Procedures for blocking and removing cookies may differ from one Internet browser to another. You should read the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your Internet browser:

  • Internet Explorer: Tools → Internet Options → Privacy → Settings. For more information, please consult Microsoft support or the browser’s Help function.
  • Safari: Preferences → Security. For more information, please consult Apple support of the browser’s Help function.
  • Firefox: Tools → Options → Privacy → History → Custom Settings. For more information, please consult Mozilla support of the browser’s Help function.
  • Chrome: Settings → Show advanced options → Privacy → Content settings. For more information, please consult Google support of the browser’s Help function.

Most browsers allow you to set up cookie alerts or reject them automatically. If cookies are rejected, you may continue to use the website, although your access to certain features may be limited.

7. Reporting illegal or inappropriate conduct

If as a user of the website you have any knowledge of any hyperlinks connecting to pages whose contents or services are illegal, harmful, demeaning, violent or immoral, please contact NTT DATA Spain and tell us:

  • Personal data of the person reporting the incident: name, address, telephone number and email address;
  • A description of the facts surrounding the illicit or inappropriate nature of the hyperlink;
  • If reporting a violation of rights such as intellectual and industrial property rights, the personal data of the owner of the violated rights if different than the person reporting it. The person reporting the incident, if other than the titleholder himself, must also provide proof of ownership of such rights and proof that he/she is authorised to act as the titleholder’s representative.

According to the laws governing information society services and e-commerce, the reception by NTT DATA Spain of the notification discussed in this clause does not presuppose any actual knowledge of the activities and/or contents reported by the informant.

8. Legislation

These conditions of use are governed by Spanish legislation.